The Sapta Matrikas

The Sapta Matrikas or seven Mother Goddesses are primarily an independent group who have violent natures, are associated with diseases and are particularly prone to afflict small children. They have a single face and are recognized by their vehicle (animal/bird) shown with them. They usually have a small child sitting on the lap.

The Mattikas are:

Brahmani has four hands, two carrying a vase, and a rosary and two in boon-giving and protection poses. Her vehicle is a goose.

Maheshwari has four, six or ten hands, carrying a javelin and a rosary and two hands in boon-giving and protection poses. She has three eyes and the bull is her vehicle.

Kaumari has two, four or twelve hands, carrying a spear and a cock. Two of the hands are in boon-giving and protection poses. She has three eyes and rides a peacock.

Vaishnavi has four or six hands, carrying a conch-shell and wheel. Two of the hands are in protective and boon giving poses. She rides an eagle.
Varahi has a hoar’s head and four hands, carrying a plough and a spear and two in the boon-giving and protective poses. Her vehicle is the bull.

Indrani has four hands with two in the charitable and protective poses and two carrying a spear and a thunderbolt. She rides an elephant.
Chamunda has four or ten hands carrying a skull-cap, a goad, a sword, a spear, an arrow, a shield, an axe, etc. She rides a corpse or owl.

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